Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tulip poplar

Annnd the crown of said Tulip Poplar Giant.. It's a beauty!


  1. Jay-Vee
    Have you considered Bonsai Tulip Poplar?
    I know it would work. TPs are my favorite East Coast tree alongside Sassafras (which would be another really cool Bonsai).
    Thanks for your positive reinforcement for my art. I have just begun trying to get it "out there" into the universe. Hopefully a few folks like you will donate to my cause. Feel free to pass on my blog to anyone you think might want to purchase a print or just to admire too. ANd you are right. Every single one has broughtme joy.

  2. I have a few of them in the process actually! I will have to search around for Sassafras, I'm always interested in different species in the garden and as bonsai. Good to meet you, I will certainly follow your page and work, I really appreciate what you're sharing. :)

  3. I just found your site and I've enjoyed looking through some of the bonsai info -- thanks for sharing. I was wondering how the tulip poplars are coming along? They are so beautiful but so huge... I imagine a bonsai version would be so beautiful! I've heard that the big trees require 20 years of growth before blossoming. Would a bonsai blossom at 20 years also?

  4. It would bloom about the same approximate age as if it's physical growth were not stunted by being trained to bonsai. I have a few Tulip Poplars going for bonsai - plan to work on creating a 'forest' setting with them (the leaves are so big, and wil only get 'so small' with trimming and rammification - but in a forest setting it will present a strking 'crown' with many strong trunks as the base. I will show a few pics of the small tulips I have going so far - really they are saplings, but will only take 2-3 years before they are ready for 'forest' use (Tulip Poplars grow amazingly fast!). Something else I've discovered is that when a poplar is cut down, it acts much like yew, whereas it sends up many sprouts from around the edges of the cut, and grow amazingly quick with the roo-tbase from the previous 'mother' tree able to feed them quickly. Unfortunately I have discovered tulip poplars do not like to start from 'cuttings' so well, and care has to be taken with the initial root reduction and tap root reduction to not kill the young tree. THe ones I have in training now have had their tap root reduced, and are doing quite well.


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